As the year 2011 comes to an end, it is only natural to take a look back and reflect at the years events. My past year is filled with growth, change, and the inevitable disappointment. It is impossible to find achievement without disappointment; therefore, I say, "Bring On The New Year!"
Although I agree resolutions are a great way to set goals in motion, I have never made a resolution myself. I am not planning on starting in the year 2012 either. Instead, I can only hope to learn from my mistakes of this past year and move on into the future with more knowledge and experience than the last. It has occurred to me that I may be experiencing a quarter life crisis. Routine and structure have become mundane to me and I am constantly on the hunt for new adventures. Sometimes we let the notion of achieving goals and having fun simultaneously seem impossible. In the year 2012, nothing is to be impossible.
Two days ago, (New Years Eve Eve if you will) as I was applying my eye makeup in the mirror and I had a sudden epiphany. There are 365 days in a year, (usually) and out of those 365 days North Americans for the most part only allow themselves one to two weeks of vacation time. Out of all those days in a year, we have to SCHEDULE our fun. That kind of life will never be for me. Therefore, I hereby dedicate the year 2012 to the year of pure pleasure. Now some of you may be thinking that will be hard to accomplish with work and school, however, I intend to make it work by having a positive attitude towards all my endeavors. It does not have to be extravagant pleasure, sometimes just the small dose that is needed to keep the stimuli happy (wink wink).
Family and friends will come first and above all in the year 2012. Goals will be set and made with the help of my positive attitude. I will travel and experience the great big world that is out there waiting to be embarked on by yours truly. Most importantly, I will gain respect and love from those who deserve it.
Until the new year arrives, the most important question will always be, who are you kissing for this New Year's Eve?