Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Dear God of Facebook,

I am glad you read my Facebook posts because at least once a day I like to update my status to something similar to this;

God is Good,

I Thank The Lord for this beautiful day,

God Bless You,


    Seriously, where have all you bandwagon God lovers come from and WHY do you think God is reading your Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler or whatever? Now now, before you have a fanatical freak out and proclaim to be a God lover from the beginning this particular blog is mainly for the born agains. There is nothing wrong with having Faith in someone or something you can't see or hear, that is exactly how I feel about Louis Vuitton shoes. I know they are out there, and that one day I might be able to reach them, but for now I just have to have the faith.

    There are a number of people on facebook who feel it necessary to have a daily update on their status to ensure God is involved. Why, I ask, just Why? Is God reading your news feed? Are you trying to annoy people? Do you think you can convert someone through Facebook? Does involving God in your Facebook status make you more righteous and therefore a better believer than others? Are you making it a point to have it known you are a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever the case may be? Can you still have atheist friends? These are all questions I really would like answers too.

    Some of the Religious Facebookers are/were my friends. I am truly interested in finding out when and where this sudden burst of God love came from. I am not just trying to be a pompous asshole, and please call me out if you think I am one, I am just curious. I know most of my Facebook friends personally. Where and when did the change from the two of us hanging out, having a good time, drinking a few adult beverages, watching some porn, hating on people, and maybe smoking some of the devil's lettuce morph into Praise Jesus?

    I get it. Some people need to turn over a new leaf when they do not like the path they are heading down. God is sometimes on the other side of that leaf, or so I've heard. God is a promise that no matter how shitty your life is, there is a purpose to it. God promises the next life will be better. Well, for your sake I hope he or she is right! However, until then, please keep your status updates about your God and his praise to yourself. No one cares how much you love God. In fact, some people may look at you completely different and choose to unfriend you because you have nothing else to offer other then blind faith.

Thanks for your time once again friends.

*footnote: this blog is all a personal opinion ;-)

Cassandra Hastu