With another year closing in behind us, it is time yet again to recap the adventures had. Scrolling down my list of blogs to find my recap of 2011, I found that I do not write quite as often as I should, (if you agree you will re-post this blog, NOW). Upon reading my 2011 recap, I was pleased to find that I had accomplished most of the goals I set for 2012; focusing on friends and family, working hard and finding time for fun, and most importantly traveling. At the end of September into the beginning of October, 2012, two friends, my boyfriend and I traveled to Hawaii for two weeks. Those two weeks changed my life forever. For the first week we lived on the beautiful "Green Isle" of Kauai. Kauai is so lush and vibrant, it was like walking through a painting. From hiking and kayaking through the Wailua river, surfing in famous shark filled waters, to jumping off of Queen's Bath into the rockiest waters I have ever been in, the adventures were never ending. And the food! The food is never to be forgotten in Kauai.

Maui, the "Valley Isle" is like living in a Utopia. It does not seem like it is possible, here on the main land to live in a place where modern society and the good life co-exist. However on Maui, everyone is happy. With the surf and beaches calling your name every morning, Mai Tai's and happy hour waiting for you, sunsets that are to die for, Maui Brewing company/Maui Wowie keeping your senses happy, Maui has to be a future home. The first time I put my snorkel on in Maui and walked off the sand at Airport Beach to immediately swim deep into colorful living coral surrounded by schools of fish, I knew I was home. There is no life in the world that exists that can compare to life in Hawaii. Period.

Now, with the awakening of Hawaii, I discovered as 2012 was a year of fun and family, 2013 must be the year of fortune. Working towards my goals is fun and all but achieving them I believe will be much more fun. In 2013 my friends and I must be profitable. Everyone I surround myself with is a hard working, each with enough determination to become successful at what they do and what they want to do. This coming year I intend to see not only myself but everyone around me grow and excel to heights we could never imagine. More times than not I speak my actions rather than do them, it is time for change! (Wait, was that last year?) Often times I speak about how much charity I could give rather than actually being charitable. I have already made that change and intend to keep on giving. Even with my misfortunes I am still way more fortunate then most others, and I can make a difference. Whatever I put into the world, the world will send back to me.